An invitation into

the Depth of Being

“Julian’s insightful inquiries and patience — free of deliberation or analyzation — lit the way through the darkest depths, into the brightest mornings. Through his unwavering presence and tenderness, I encountered the most precious parts of Me, uncovering a foundation that now ceases to be looked over. Julian was an effigy of compassion and grace, before I realized that he was nimbly reflecting my own essence back at me.”

—— Ursala Hudson, Tlingit Artist


A Love Riddle:

In this video we explore the relationship between the our soul and the challenges we face as humans. "Our infinite nature doesn’t show itself in our resolving the issues of the world but rather the world’s issues are a catalyst which draw us closer and closer to our soul - our infinite nature."


Mystery is…

Your very Nature


Julian's strength of presence deepens and amplifies people's direct connection with their true nature. He carries a gentleness, delicacy, and precision in helping people integrate all aspects of humanity in the process of awakening. His intuitive capacity supports people in finding the root of what challenges them most and encourages a steady awakening to reality. Julian has a background in practicing with multiple spiritual masters as well as training in post-traumatic growth somatic therapy. He brings a holistic approach to helping people heal, rest in their true nature, and embody who they truly are.