As long as I could remember, I have always felt a simple, innocent and ordinary availability towards the Divine. In my teens I had two major spiritual experiences which threw me into the grips of an insatiable hunger for Truth & the Real. They weren’t only internal experiences of Oneness but came with actual physical shifts of this perceived reality. These experiences hold a kind of energetic blueprint within my soul that have guided me, not in a logical or linear way but through an embodied knowing. The moment these experiences were revealed, my life became a ceaseless offering to their depth.

Driven by this hunger the last 15 years have been filled with countless transformational groups, meditation retreats, classes, workshops, therapies and healing modalities in the context of spirituality and psychology. I’ve sought after the Truth I had tasted by traveling to different parts of the world, going to temples, ashrams, mosques, churches, holy places, and holy mountains, meeting with present day masters such as Amma, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Almaas, Adyashanti, Jeannie Zandi and more. Even though I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have had close mentorship with mature & awake human beings and been led to study with some of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time, my most profound and foundational awakening comes from a solitude, a reckoning with my own humanity. I continue to learn, grow and immerse myself in whatever takes me to the edge of my own unfolding and challenges me step forward into this mysterious life.

In this process there has been a natural ripening of capacities, which are not only gifts from Spirit but avenues for Spirit to express through. With Presence felt and known as my very nature, I’ve been given to support people on the journey of awakening, embodiment, healing, transformation, integration & fuller emergence into their unique life.

Most Influential Teachers & Teachings:

  • Adyashanti has been one of my core teachers. His direct teaching has made the most subtle experiences and intuitive knowing discernible and clear. He has inspired many awakenings and shifts while at the same time encouraging a grounded-ness through the ongoing investigation of “How does realization express itself in my everyday life?”.

  • Jeannie Zandi has taught me how to meet incredibly difficult states and how to bring greater acceptance of all that is. To me, she truly is the embodiment of Love.

  • David Pz has taught me how to step forward into my direct experience, into whatever content arises and see it all the way through. This tends to reveal an ongoing unfoldment that opens into different aspects, qualities and dimensions of our True Nature.

  • I’m a student of The Ridhwan School and have been working with a Diamond Heart Teacher for several years. I continue to attend courses, retreats, and study the Diamond Approach which at once deepens my experiential understanding of Truth, Love & Reality, and at the same time clarifies my soul and its unique trajectory.

  • A Course in Miracles: A deep self study of ACIM continues to evoke realization, understanding, miracles and most importantly a thorough connection to the Holy Spirit, its voice & guidance.

  • My relationship with my wife and best friend Chesaray has been one of the most significant cauldrons of transformation, embodiment, and integration. I am forever grateful for her compassion, steadfast innocence and her stand for love no matter what. It is through this relationship that I keep discovering the indispensable place that relating has in spiritual realization.

  • Many years of weekly mens group, trainings, workshops and events put on by ManKind Project. An incredible rawness and vulnerability was valued in these groups. This inspired an incredible realness in me and a persistence to tell the truth even when it was uncomfortable.

  • What led me to the Post Traumatic and Somatic Therapy Training Certification was a recognition of how important it is to be trauma informed. I find this work incredibly useful, for trauma healing work can help us learn skills to process anxiety, regulate our nervous systems, and transform unconscious patterns and behaviors by bringing a paced and compassionate awareness to our experience.

“I first reached out to Julian after I had arrived at what felt like an impasse on my meditative journey. I had done a decade of intensive meditation practice and had sat with many teachers in India and in the US; and I had had many deep insight experiences, including one where the sense of spiritual seeking fell away, never to return. Yet a lingering sense of “this isn’t the whole picture” and “you’re not fully living out the insights that you have realized” remained. And none of my teachers seemed to be able to help with that next step.

Now, with Julian’s loving guidance, the nitty-gritty of daily life is coming more fully into alignment with my most profound spiritual realizations. It is not so much that the insights have changed since I began working with Julian, but rather that they are now more deeply and fully penetrating the fabric of everyday life—a much deeper sense of love, peace, joy, and acceptance is coming into my moment-to-moment experience. I cannot recommend Julian highly enough!”

— Kareem J. Abu-Zeid, translator and writer