Working Together


One-on-One Sessions are a chance to:

  • Release fear, worry, tension, self criticism, insecurity, deficiency & hurt.

  • Transform family conflicts, core wounding, repressed emotions, stress & pain.

  • Develop qualities of strength, kindness, compassion, peace, joy & curiosity.

  • Learn to apply mind body awareness to challenges, reactivity, & planning.

  • Learn the skills and tools for healthier relationship with self & others.

  • Learn how to allow healing to become a natural occurrence.

  • Develop & strengthen your spiritual practice.

  • Embody your spiritual experiences and insights.

  • Learn how to work with the effects of trauma.

Sessions are $100/60min. Sliding scale rates available for those in need.

All meetings take place via Zoom, phone call or in person.

“Julian's tenaciously curious attitude was the most important thing I learned from him. We questioned everything involved in self-discovery: assumptions, somatic sensations, emotions, defense mechanisms, and false beliefs. My vulnerability was met with compassion, kindness, and safety. As a result, I have developed a much healthier relationship with my emotions and their expression.

I actually feel younger and more confident than I did a year ago. I have less need for approval and less reactivity as well. I no longer have panic attacks or chronic pain. Julian played a significant role in all of this. I recommend Julian wholeheartedly. He can help you develop and strengthen your spiritual practice, work on embodiment, and learn to apply mind-body awareness to current challenges, past influences - reactivity, and future planning. See for yourself.”

~ Michael Horwitz, M.D.