“Don’t try to reform yourself.
Just see the futility of change.
See the very idea of changing as false.”
~Nisargadatta Maharaj
“Don’t try to reform yourself. Just see the futility of change. See the very idea of changing as false.” ~Nisargadatta Maharaj
Change needs a time interval. Time implies space, space implies separation. Change, growth, progression requires a here and an elsewhere.
Change means life and death to what is here and now. Change means there is something other than this Love. Something other than the One, unconditional Truth, Substance, God.
There is no deep, true, inherent change possible. At the most fundamental level everything is completely still.
The entire manifest universe is a most intricate dance depicting what cannot be depicted. Expressing the inexpressible, reflecting that which has no reflection.
So how do you utter silence?
How do you move stillness?
How do you enflesh spaciousness?
How do you see in complete darkness?
How do you known the unknowable?
Simple: It is silence that speaks, stillness that moves, spaciousness which embodies, darkness which is the light of seeing, and the unknown that could ever know. Therefore it is the Changeless which manifests itself as this most profound, intricate, lucid dream of precious change.