A Love Riddle
I love this maze we’re in. No solution is the perfect teacher. It draws out and generates enormous energy. This is the ongoing revelation of our infinite nature…
Sorrow Is a Love Spring
To feel this existential Sorrow leads to a very embodied experience of inclusion, which is to say it leads to unconditional love…
Forward in Truth
Keep coming forward & tell the truth. No matter how difficult & uncomfortable it may be…
Absolute & Relative Truth
“In loosening our tight hold on relative truths in this way allows the larger Truth of existence to peer through. If you can become very clear and precise about your relative inner experience, it will naturally open you into a sense of greater and greater freedom.”
Embodied Self Inquiry
In self inquiry, you have to be willing to question everything. The right question asked with the appropriate attitude & energy can make of you an alive, embodied answer. This is self inquiry in its truest sense. You’re not asking a question to get some conceptual understanding but in order to become a living embodiment of the quest inside the question.
Developing A Taste For The Unknown
“Not knowing is broad enough and deep enough to contain the whole of the universe. Learn how to develop a taste and a feel for the unknown.”
Blog Themes
- Absolute
- Acceptance
- Aloneness
- Awakening
- Awareness
- Being
- Christ
- Clarity
- Consciousness
- Contemplation
- Darkness
- Death
- Devotion
- Ease
- Embodiment
- Emptiness
- Enter In
- Everywhere
- Existance
- Frailty
- Freedom
- God
- Ground of Being
- Heart
- Here
- Human
- Inquiry
- Inspiration
- Intimacy
- Is
- Life
- Love
- Meditation
- Mystery
- Non-Duality
- Now
- Nowhere
- Offering
- Oneness
- Prayer
- Presence
- Quiet
- Reality
- Reverence
- Sensing
- Silence
- Simplicity
- Sorrow
- Soul
- Spaciousness
- Spirit
- Spirituality
- Stillness
- Suffering
- Surrender
- True Nature
- True Will
- Truth
- Unconditional
- Universe
- Unknown
- Vulnerability